Specialist Tutor Training Course
Organizing courses, training specialist trainers, determining education standards with special education methods, developing special education methods for disadvantaged individuals.
Make-Up Training
To organize compensatory training programs for the disabled individuals who cannot attend the support education program under the periods specified in the 25th article of the 25th article of the Special Education Institutions Regulation, to compensate for the deficiencies of the disabled people in education with compensatory education.
Refugees Education, Cohesion and Social Support Projects
Projects for adaptation of refugee children in our country to the country, continuing their education, projects developed for language learning problems, and projects for ensuring continuity in children's education
Seniors Literacy and Computer Courses
Reading and Writing courses for the illiterate elderly people on the subject of computer use and computer skills. To benefit the health of people and society by reading the elderly and doing research on the internet, enabling them to spend time with quality and get rid of the feeling of loneliness.
Sports Activities for the Disabled
To ensure that physically handicapped, hearing and visually impaired people take part in sports activities, conducting the necessary organization, equipment and support activities for this
Education of Down Syndrome and Autistic Children
Education, organization and other social supports related to education of autistic children with Down syndrome, integration to social life